As simple as texting.
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How does MailTime work
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Email Messaging

View your emails as conversations, not threads! MailTime cuts out annoying metadata and present emails in clean bubbles.
One App for All

Simply use one app for all you email accounts! Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud... or corporate mail, we support all.
Private & Secure

MailTime is fully compliant with GDPR and all relevant strict privacy acts and we allow users to easily opt in or out of data sharing right from the app.
Got Questions?
QDoes my friend need to use MailTime to chat with me?
ANo! Whatever email client or software your friends are using, they can still send messages to you via your email address.
QDoes it change my email look for receiver not using MailTime?
ANo! To non-MailTime users, messages appear as normal emails.
We, Enjoy Email as Texting
A few words from the many success with MailTime.
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